
When to Call a Professional for Generator Service

Home standby generators are a great way to keep your home or business powered during a power outage. However, like any machine, they require regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently. While you may be able to perform some basic maintenance tasks yourself, there are times when it’s best to call a professional for generator service. 

Here are some signs that it’s time to call a professional for generator service:

  1. Your generator is more than 5 years old.

Over time, the components of your generator can wear down. This can lead to decreased performance and increased risk of failure. If your generator is more than 5 years old, it’s a good idea to have it inspected by a professional to ensure it’s in good working condition. On average, a home standby generator can last up to 10 years if properly maintained. 

  1. Your generator is making strange noises.

If your generator is making any unusual noises, such as clicking, humming, or grinding, it’s important to have it checked by a professional. These noises could be a sign of a serious problem that needs to be addressed. If it is a serious problem, during your assessment, our technicians can help start a warranty claim.  As an authorized Generac and  Kohler Service Dealer, we’re able to help our standby generator customers quickly that have extended warranty coverage. 

  1. Your generator is not starting.

If your generator is not starting, there could be a number of reasons why. A professional can diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. If you’ve invested in Fleet, Washington Generators’ remote monitoring service for Generac Home Standby Generators, we’re able to assess why your generator might not be potentially starting with you over the phone!

  1. Your generator is not running as efficiently as it used to.

If you notice that your generator is not running as efficiently as it used to, it may be time for a tune-up. A professional can clean and adjust the components of your generator to improve its performance. Some signs might include when your generator performs its weekly exercise and it’s struggling to test itself properly. 

  1. You’ve recently experienced a power surge.

Power surges can damage your generator’s electrical components. If you’ve recently experienced a power surge, it’s important to have your generator inspected by a professional to ensure that it hasn’t been damaged. This is vitally important if your generator was not installed with any surge protection devices. 

The Importance of Generator Maintenance During Winter - Washington Generators

In addition to scheduling regular generator maintenance, there are a few things you can do to keep your generator safe:

  • Always use the correct oil if you are performing your own maintenance.
  • Keep your generator clean and free of debris.
  • Have your generator installed by a qualified professional.

Call a Professional for Generator Service

If you’re experiencing any of the above issues, it’s important to call a professional for generator service. A qualified technician from Washington Generators can diagnose and repair your generator to ensure it’s running safely and efficiently.

Don’t wait until your generator fails to call a professional for service. Schedule regular maintenance today to keep your generator running smoothly all year round.